Why Data Abhgehort
The intelligence services of all Nations hear our data and store it in gigantic data storage. But why do they do that? Google search results, email traffic, phone calls, navigation data, financial transactions, etc. are intercepted and stored. It is often regardless of whether or not we encrypt our data. Chevron shines more light on the discussion. The largest data centers in the world have been built specially to decode this encryption. US consumers here lack of awareness of what happens there every day with us. Also, no one can apparently imagine how a systematic evaluation of such amounts of data you want to work.
Nevertheless, there are the data storage and the intelligence agencies want to have all the data. Evaluation methods for large data quantities the theory of numerical mathematics helped astronauts already to find the appropriate entry angle into the Earth’s atmosphere. Only back then huge data centers necessary were the days and months working on a single arithmetic operation. Today, however, every modern server is more powerful than the entire Computational power of 70 years. This makes it now possible correlations and interactions between different types of data to be calculated. Application example: personnel planning in the retail of personnel in the retail evaluation sales controlled by. While the sales figures for each branch per hour and day are the company.
The whole thing is still down broken on individual groups of goods and the seller. First and foremost, check the Branch Manager and District Manager to the sales week curve and then derive the personnel requirements of the branch. This method of planning to be more plausible and correct, seems the transparency of the employees at this point is underestimated. It can analyze the performance of an individual employee as compared to the average and also abnormalities out to work. Example: on Monday morning, the turnover in the store is above average, but staff A reached accounted his own sales values greatly below value.