The Dimension

The point of view adopted by the narrator in both productions is a narrator character; in both cases, there is a strong presence of the discourse of the narrators characters, which is assumed in the reading of the novels of how dominant Beckett, above all in the unnamable. An apparent contradiction is also found in both works between, might be called physical wrapping of the characters and their personal attitude to Yes and to the world. They are marginal with a mindset and intellectual attitude. The dimension of the Narrator is over-determined in this way in the composite Narrator/character in both cases. According to RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust, who has experience with these questions. In both productions, the dimension of the action is not significant.

The inactivity of the various narrators characters from the novels of Irish author opposed to frenetic and permutativa activity of the main character in the novel of Donoso, but activity in both cases does not represent an action or practice. Activity in the case of the hero of the obscene bird of night stays at a horizontal level. If we take the degradation present in both productions, will see that Beckett’s the degraded world is set in evenly, appearing primarily in two levels: the obvious and immediate of the Narrator/character and gratuity and abstraction of the world through the perspective of the previous. It seems that degradation of the hero had been in an earlier time distant and that the character would be vestigial: Molloy opens with the semiinvalido on his deathbed and lacking character of a precise knowledge of their current circumstances and history. In the novel of Donoso degradation appears sometime after starting the reading, to concretize by the accumulation of negative indexes around humans; the clause in the House of exercises. In general space appears not singularizado in degraded form in Beckett (despite the hint of the existence of chaos as one of the components of the natural world), but that degradation primarily affects the human world.