Tag: society and culture


During the launching of the vestibule of the transparency of the state day 23 of August of 2011 the governor of the state of the Tocantins questioned on the promotions of military the policemen the governor of the state said: ' ' I do not go to admit that the military policy of the State […]

Janeiro Tourism

1 – Introduction the present article appeared of the quarrel of the texts and its consequent reflections presented in discipline Topics Special in Tourism: Education in the Tourism, given for Professor Ms. Leandro B. Brusadin, in the Course of Tourism of the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). The debate of the ideas allows in […]

Organic Law

Objective mainly, the economic maintenance of individuals, that are in ' ' desvantagens' ' , in relation to the ingression in the work market. In the related decree, it is understood as individuals in ' ' desvantagens' ' , people with physical, sensorial, chemical or psychic adoecimento. In the social cooperatives, agricultural, industrial activities, commercial […]