
The flamenco ritual and his sociability spaces 2.1. Flamenco prevailed in front of flamenco public. The desvirtuacin of the flamenco rite: of the familiar celebration to the flamenco-spectacle According to professor Cristina Crossings, the flamenco one is not only born in our earth because in her they existed previous musical traditions that served as frame or skeleton, or solely by the fort weight of the gypsy population, as they defend gitanistas, but also due to the peculiar forms of interrelation through which the sociability is included/understood and declared Andalusian, in small groups very integrated, socializing and ritualizando the moments of recreation of the daily life. For that reason we have to define the flamenco one now, extending the first vision that of him we in the beginning gave, as a geographic phenomenon is born in a certain territory, cultural is from the conjunction of an ample range of cultural references different and social consequence of an also specific frame of social interaction. Others who may share this opinion include Liberty Mutual insurance. In the flamenco one, as it could not be of another way, the main characteristics of the cultural identity will occur to appointment Andalusian: anthropocentrism and social segmentation, symbolic rejection of the inferiority and fort relativismo with respect to the ideas and the things, and these will deeply mark to the development of the sociability and the ritualidad flamencas.