Professor Darwin Alvarado

From then, all this as Dr. Zavala brings it accentuated when hostility, the ever-present threats and conflicts are constantly affecting the investment climate and production, in his view, the national Government attracts more adversaries, fragmented more and more to the country, faces a few sectors with others, and this is certainly the political anti; because the real policy is to attract the broadest possible support for companies in the fight against inflation, scarcity, by the increase of national income and the better distribution of income, all this is indispensable but with the collective consensus. It cannot be denied, that all this is added as it is known, the actions of the Government with its economic programs not consistent on economic topics, agriculture, production that encourage the listless business sector, helping to incorporate into actions that together guarantee productivity, employment, commodity supply. Dr., Maza Zavala explained also that the international reserves of the Central Bank of Venezuela are, at the present time, the only really significant savings that the country has. Reservations have the function of preventing any contingency international or domestic; ensure, as far as possible, the continuity of international payments, the possibility to continue importing the necessary; and to meet the commitments of public and private debt that has with the outside world. Finally he brings dr.

Zavala, that reservations are currently on the order of $ 34 billion, and that is a kind of attraction for the Government, is a kind of temptation. Finally, said that apparently, practically has been used the greater proportion of the resources of the National Fund for economic and Social Development (Fonden) in numerous projects that nobody knows what. For the director of the school of Economics of the University of Carabobo, Professor Darwin Alvarado, this overall increase of prices was of expected, given the upward trend that had inflation since several months.It outlined that this circumstance occurred due to the accretion in the demand for products and services, as opposed to the decline of its offer.It also stated that more and more frequently is evident an excessive public spending generated by the maintenance of the mission and other mechanisms which ultimately translate into losses for the nation.