President Fernando Henrique Cardoso
What will happen to Israel, what will happen with the trade negotiation that Mercosur is poised to resume with the European Union (EU) If you accept someone who, like Chavez, considered the free trade a form of capitalist oppression?, raised Agrippinus, of the opposition party Democrats. Voting for income is voting not rule of law. Chavez reinvidica to the terrorist Carlos the Jackal, estatiza hotels, closed media opponents. It is not ready to enter Mercosur, said Senator Alvaro days, of the PSDB of former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. But even allies of the Government were critical to the administration of Chavez: I vote for the accession of Venezuela to Mercosur, because I am voting so it’s good for my State, I am not going to vote for Hugo Chavez, is morible, one day will die, said the centrist Senator Wellington Salgado.
For his part, the head of the ruling bloc in the Senate, Romero Juca, of the Party of the movement of the Brazilian democracy (PMDB), main ally of the workers party, said that Venezuela is good for South America, for the integration process. And it is better for Venezuela, to improve its transparency, so that we have more mechanisms to demand more democracy and respect for human rights. Before this step taken by Brazil. Nicolas Maduro Minister Venezuelan, said that Chavez’s Government is still willing to wait for the conclusion of the formal steps with patience and optimism.As I mature, who sees political relations close and trusted that Venezuela has today with Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, or economic relationship deeper integration through specific projects, can not doubt that his country is already part of the Mercosur. The Venezuelan Minister said the full incorporation of her country to the block multiplies the stimulus to trade and economic relations and It will be a step towards the construction of a large economic area of South American Development.