Political Mirror Russia
Analysis of problems and peculiarities of the modern younger generation can not begin to clarify the definition of "younger generation". The younger generation – not only the future, she is "living present" and it is important to understand how young people today determine the content and nature of the future as brings the "spirit of modern times." Youth – the socio-demographic group with its characteristic age, socio-psychological characteristics and social values that determine the level of socio-economic, cultural development, particularly in the socialization of Russian society. xx century was marked not only the expansion of cultural ties and volumes union of Europe, but the collapse of multinational states, aggressive nationalism and ethnic wars, which have largely disproved humanist myth of global consciousness and a common man. Far more acutely and painfully aware "explosion" of ethnicity in the defunct Soviet Union, where for decades, both in academia and in everyday consciousness alleged opinion about the success of the national policy in the integration of particular ethnic groups in a united Soviet people. Ethno-political conflicts found their expression in both large and small wars on ethnic and territorial basis in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Moldova, , Georgia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, resulted in numerous civilian casualties. It also caused large-scale irregular migration and population displacement, that affected millions of people. Today, events in the republics of the cis, show disintegration of destructive trends that threaten new conflicts. All of these factors can not affect the forming relationships become overgrown generation of Russia to our closest neighbors, namely the former republics of the ussr, which are still economically and ethnically closely related and dependent on each other.