PartnerAmbient Profile

Partner-Ambient profile of the Region of Ouro Preto and Mariana/MG. For Rubens Tavares Dos Santos ' ' The dominant standards of production and consumption are causing ambient devastao., reduction of the resources and a massiva extinguishing of species. Communities are being ruined. The benefits of the rich and poor development being equitably divided and the irrigation ditch between are not increasing. The violent injustice, poverty, ignorance and conflicts have increased and are cause of great suffering.

The growth without precedents of the population human being has overloaded the systems ecological and social. The bases of global security are threatened. These trends are dangerous, but not inevitveis' '. (LETTER OF THE LAND). The Region of Ouro Preto/Mariana was the main area of gold extration in centuries XVIII and XIX. They had been sent Portugal, officially, eight hundred tons of gold in century XVIII, without counting what it circulated of illegal form, as well as what was in the colony ornando the sumptuous churches.

Another inheritance of this period was the ambient degradation. In diverse stories of naturalistic travellers who had passed for the region, exist mentions the degradation of bodies d? water (assoreamento, barrentas absence of ciliar bush, waters) and the devastao of the forests (alone displayed, vegetation in regeneration beginning and forest fires). Between many problems that occur in these two cities can be standed out: a great concern with the visual aspect of the main tourist points of the cities and an abandonment almost that completely of the areas that are not of tourist interest. The collective transport is deficit, lacks doctors, schools in precarious conditions and the traffic of drugs (as crack) has aggravated the violence. The end given to the public money and the wealth generated in these two cities is the same of 300 years behind. Of where if they remove the natural wealth and the social improvements are not reached by the local a population, being only one ambient liabilities.