Organic Law
Objective mainly, the economic maintenance of individuals, that are in ' ' desvantagens' ' , in relation to the ingression in the work market. In the related decree, it is understood as individuals in ' ' desvantagens' ' , people with physical, sensorial, chemical or psychic adoecimento. In the social cooperatives, agricultural, industrial activities, commercial rendering of services are developed and. These actions promote, over all, the marketing insertion of the individual acometido for psychic suffering, in the measure where they make possible ways, through which, it can increase its purchasing power, vital in an eminently capitalist society. E.
Benefit of Prestao Continuada (BPC) Parallel to the supplied psicossocial aid-whitewashing to the individual acometido for mental clutters, constant in the legislation of the Program ' ' In return for casa' '. Also the Benefit of Continued Installment of the Organic Law of Assistncia Social is guaranteed (LOAS), Federal Law n. 8,742 of 1993, objectifying the protection to the family in its totality, as well as, the qualification and whitewashing of the people diagnosised with psychic adoecimento. As it ratifies the Article 20 of related Law: The benefit of continued installment are the guarantee of 01 (one) monthly minimum wage to the carrying person of deficiency and the aged one with 70 (seventy) years or more and that they prove not to possess ways to provide the proper maintenance and nor to have provided it for its family. All the benefits and programs granted to the people attacks for mental clutters are fruits of the movement of the Psychiatric Reformation, pleading through these actions, the promotion of the quality of life, as well as, its social reinsero. F. Basic Attention? Program of Health Of Famlia (PSF) the insertion of the care of the Mental Health in the basic attention is the one question of Public Health, since when the factors body and mind they are indissociveis, and susceptible all and the any individual, independent of any process of distinction.