Leadership Students

As we all know one of the main factors to make a nation considered developed and first world, is that bet to education, technology and research, Mexico unfortunately is not followed this path to success, instead invest in democracy and expenses that I consider excessive for the legislature. In Mexico most of young university students every day they have to make the decision to continue pursuing their studies or find work and help weigh the ravages of this generational crisis in their families, this would be different if the education in our country were different, if both the teachers and students were fully convinced that these and other levels education is quality. Unfortunately the lack of interest and lack of reforms of essence to this sector of national leaders, discourages greatly both to young university students to the business sector that opt to invest in foreign technology and increasingly believe with your eyes closed minus the product of national education, or is not certain that companies increasingly more have a program of intensive training and induction? This because they consider that graduates of the faculties are not prepared for the assumed challenge. I don’t like to generalize in any aspect, but this can be expressed as a string, or a domino effect, since the students have expectations regarding their leaders within classrooms, these being the Basic, such as openness to ideas, planning, communication, responsibility, commitment, be able to establish goals and objectives, professional experience and certainly are innovatorsat the same time, teachers have expectations that are not met by leaders within their organizations and these that they lack the satisfaction of expectations with the national education sector, is certainly a shame that in this country almost everything looks way political and individual and group interests..