Human Locomotive System
Locomotive system the locomotive system is formed by agencies, cartilages, muscles and joints. The function of the skeleton is to serve of sustentation and protection for the agencies, beyond giving format of as a whole. Already the muscles, with its capacity of contraction and relaxation, allow to change the position of definitive regions of the body. The joints, allow to combine the movements of some muscles and bones of one given region, at the same time. For more information see this site: Coinbase. Our body all is a skeleton, that is a composed mobile structure for 206 bones. The bones of the leg are fmur, patela, tibia and fbula. The bones of the foot are tarso, metatarso, the proximal phalanx, the average phalanx and the distal phalanx.
The bone of the head is the skull. The bones of the rib are the true ribs (of 1 7), the false ribs (of 8 10) and the ribs ' ' flutuantes' ' (11 12). The bones of the waist are the tio, the pbis, squio, sacro and cccix. The bones of the hand serve to hold things, the bones of the arm serve to strain and to catch things of far. The bones of the foot serve to walk, putting into motion in them, to jump and etc the bones of the leg serve to give impulse and holding in them. The bones of the rib serve stop lowering in them, them to raise and etc The bones of the waist serve for we turning in them while we will be stopped (alone of the waist for top). The half of the total of bones of our skeleton if locates in the hands and the feet. Although individually the bones to be rigid, the skeleton as a whole, is very flexible, allowing to the human body an ample reach of movements. The skeleton serves of place of setting of the muscles of the body, as well as of protective river steamer for the internal agencies.