Foreign Language

After all, to read classics awaken the taste for the trip, the immersion in the stranger and the exploration of the diversity. 4. The IMPORTANCE AND NEW PERSPECTIVES FOR the EDUCATION OF ENGLISH LITERATURE IN AVERAGE EDUCATION the lessons of foreign language must make possible to the pupil the recognition and the understanding of the linguistic and cultural diversity, engaging it discursivamente so that, critically, it can construct meanings in relation to the world where lives. literary text can be an excellent resource so that this occurs, considering that, by means of Literature is possible to promote reflections on questions of being able and the dominant ideologies gifts in the society, assisting for the formation of an individual critical, capable to construct meanings, to respect and to recognize different cultures. However, in exchanges of experiences with professors of English Language of the State net of Education, it is perceived that it has, practically, the exclusion of the literary text in the lessons in Average Ensino, normally justified for the following factors: the great number of pupils in room, the load-horria limited of disciplines, the lack of interest of the pupils for literature, not only in Foreign Language, but also in Language Materna, the lack of support materials, beyond the difficulties in relation to the lingusticos knowledge of the educandos. One understands that these difficulties occur in any context, not only in relation to the boarding of literature, because, independently of the literal sort or the content to be given, the same questions they are presented and, although they them developed lessons are of some form. Ahead of this, he is correct to affirm that it is possible to explore literature in Average Ensino, has seen that, beyond assisting in the learning of the language, it allows as any another text, the application of lingusticos knowledge previously acquired and also promotes the chance to argue subjects related to the life, that will contribute for the integral formation of the individual.