Executive Advice

The Certified Reductions of Emissions (RCEs), that permissions are seen as for emission of GEEs, can be commercialized with countries that had not reached the goals of reductions. Therefore, countries as Brazil that does not have the obligation, before the Protocol of Kyoto, to diminish the emission of pollutants, can develop technologies for the production cleanest and commercialize the credits generated for this. Projects MDL in Brazil and the World Second informed for the Ministry of Science and Technology, status December of 2006, a total of 1412 projects of diverse countries met in some phase of the cycle of projects of MDL, being 421 already registered by the Executive Advice of MDL (in the ONU) and 991 in other phases of the cycle. Brazil occupies 3 place in number of activities of project, with 196 projects (14%), being that in first place it meets India with 509> e, in second, China with 214 projects, as figure 1. Figure 1: Reduction of projected emissions for the first period of attainment of credits Source: Ministry of Science and Technology. In terms of reductions of projected emissions, Brazil occupies the third position, being responsve.