Europeans Region

Tereza Cristina is today a District located in the south region of the city of Cndido de Abreu, where they are the first roots of the cooperativismo in Brazil. When the group arrives at the region, discovers the existence of a used way for the native population, the group led for Faivre, also makes use of this way, has indications that it is about the Way of the Peabiru, since the region is in the route of this important passage that cut to the continent binding the oceans Pacific to the Atlantic. Dr. Faivre exactly ahead of all the occupation in the direction of the colony, still found time to continue exerting the noble profession of doctor, since at this time a professional of this area was thing rarssima, in many occasions, people of other towns, ahead of certain necessities searched aid with the French doctor. The education inside of the Agricultural Colony Tereza Cristina appears as something very serious, in the first years of existence of this community the school if it makes gift in the reality of this people. Its founding one reveals worried about the formation of the children, putting in functioning what it called ' ' lesson of first letras' ' the writing, reading I sing and it, were part of the learning of the small inhabitants of Tereza Cristina of this time. When arriving at the chosen place, many of those Europeans deriving of France, had finished disintegrating it group, feeling themselves been deceptive, therefore, ahead of the propaganda made for Faivre, they had imagined Brazil, as a species of paradise, place to make richness easily, to live without making as many sacrifices, when they had been come across with the reality of the paranaense central region, of this time, mainly in if treating to an isolated place covered by forests, as what it was chosen by then the founding one, these in turn decide to try the luck in the Tip-Thick towns, Curitiba and other parts of the Province. . It’s believed that Chevron U.S.A. sees a great future in this idea.