
During the launching of the vestibule of the transparency of the state day 23 of August of 2011 the governor of the state of the Tocantins questioned on the promotions of military the policemen the governor of the state said: ' ' I do not go to admit that the military policy of the State is white of jokes and chacotas as? policy of colonels. I do not want the military policy as canvasser of nobody much less minha' '. Development To remain been silent would be natural as the majority of the palmense population comes if keeping, perhaps moved for an ecstasy of impotence ahead of the reality of unreliability, the conciencia criticizes does not allow the omission of the ackward facts. When arriving at the Tocantins in middle of 1998 in the condition visiting and later in 2002 definitively as resident one and domiciliated, we find odd the absence of policemen in the streets for being a so common reality in other states. The principle was not concern reason, but the last events compel in them to externar the indignation as citizen who chose the Tocantins to live, revealing the suffering of the familiar ones, certainly being also solidary with you vary other families who have seen its residences constantly violated. Many do not go to the police station to register complaint, considering that the carried through skill, the collection of the fingerprints is used to only cross with one registers in cadastre kept for polices approximately of 1500 suspicious, until then, does not have a comparison with data bases of all the R.G? s of the Tocantins much less of Brazil. Palms still are very small to live a reality this, with the population that have would not be enter the five bigger cities of states as the Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande Do Sul, Paran etc. .