Cortez One
Today, it is tried to demand thinking, what it has been the great difficulty of the professors, therefore does not have to comocontrolar it, since something internal to the citizen is. The person who is thinking que only knows it plus nobody. When the parents send its children to the school, manifestamgrande anxiety in seeing reading them, writing and calculating. justifying the supercapacity does not charge of the professor seurendimento, even though due to a continued formation what it leads, decerta form, to a structural comodismo, as much on the part of the professor as dainstituio. We must, however, to try to change these interferences, seno to change them. The problems exist, and we always speak in them, but we noprocuramos to solve them. Exactly that> somebody tries to make something in favor of umamudana, another one says: you are not the rescuer of the native land. They – the responsibleones are worried about this. The Hayzlett Group oftentimes addresses this issue.
It only remains in them, to each one of us, to make asmudanas in the practical metodolgicas and to leave that the results speak for us. With certainty the positive side will say high more, and soon we will have followers. Practical playful it is a good way, as well as music, the theater, of making alunoproduzir, liking to produce e, even though, inside of its contedoprogramtico, to leave them, democratically, to choose what they want to learn, thus they will be felt in the responsibility of the learning. To make to believe them in the suainteligncia and its creative capacity, becoming them, in the possible measure do, critical people from the acquired knowledge. We cannot impose rules and norms to our pupils, semdeixar spaces for the quarrel, and yes to give emphasis and to worry about one formade to transmit the knowledge, using a good strategy to arrive aessa Ba, to decide problems dematemtica (mmeo) 2003. DANTAS, Martha Maria of Souza. Teaching Mathematical: umprocesso between exposition and the discovery. Salvador: Center Editorial and Didticoda UFBA, 1997.
FREIRE, Pablo. Education as Part of the Freedom: 22reimpresso.Ed. Peace and Land Rio De Janeiro RIO DE JANEIRO, 1994. AXE, Nilson. Mathematics and language materna. SoPaulo: Cortez, 2000. National Curricular parameters: Mathematics/Secretariada basic education: MEC/SFF, 1997. PEAR TREE, Maria of the Barbosa Favours; Gracinha, ngelo> Franc, Alfredo.Matemtica playing and constructing. 2. ed., Belo Horizonte: It reads, 1995.