Brazilian State
E what it has made the governing military after-dictatorship? To perpetuate the hunger. They had not brandishhed no type of action to promote the development of the man. But everything this still has a older root. They give attention in the dialogue to follow: ' ' D. Peter: Of this time! Youngster, already had stories of droughts north-eastern since century 16, but this was devastadora. It lasted up to 79 and it killed 500 a thousand people more than, the double of the war of Paraguay. It was the biggest tragedy of this century in the South America. The province of the Cear was reached.
The economy was arrasada and the proliferation of illnesses and the hunger had decimated the flock and the people. Half of the population of $fortaleza perished. When it knew of the tragedy, I was to visit the region I did not contain myself and I cried for the first time. The emperor seemed moved and sad remembering those events and the sensation of impotence that felt at the time, evidencing that everything that only made it would help to very brighten up little the suffering of that good people. The others had been remained been silent in respect to the sadness of the emperor. After some instants, Koseritz decided silences to break it.
Koseritz: Majesty, does not believe that she has much people interested in perpetuating the needy northeast image to attract mounts of money for the region? D. Peter: Yes, Koseritz. It has much people interested in keeping this dry, needy, dependent idea north-east. It is a sad situation because it has thousand of families more fugitives of the regions droughts, mainly of the Cear and of Pernambuco, that needs aid desesperadamente. The empire sends many mounts of money, but they do not arrive until the needed ones. I fall: Why not? This money goes to stop in the pocket of somebody? D. Peter: Accurately! They are deviated by the politicians and mayors espertalhes that use dry as excuse to keep the needy northeast. Koseritz: The politicians if are valid this speech of the misery northeastern, as it was itself a fatality, as if the northeast was predestined to the disaster and the misery. It is truth that the northeast canavieira economy entered in crisis and the southeastern coffee if it became the main product of exportation. But he is possible to revert this situation, constructing dams, opening irrigation channels, and working other agricultural cultures. D. Peter: Yes, with very work the northeast could be viable. What it lacks is honesty and will politics to make the northeast to give certain. Perhaps daqui to some years this situation starts to move. I fall: I find that he in few years does not go to be not, I find that it goes to take a century more than? ' ' Stretch of the Book: ' ' Dom Peter II and Koseritz' '. Therefore the Brazilian State must leave the dribble position, that of the food to silence the hunger and makes with that the hunger if perpetuates as instrument of petty politics and collection of votes, beyond intense and immense source of corruption.