Brazilian Reading
The education of the reading and the writing must be understood as practical of a citizen acting on the world to transform it e, stops, through its action, to affirm its freedom and to run away to the alienation. It is through the practical one that we develop our linguistic capacity. To know different types of texts is not, therefore, to decorate grammatical rules and lists of words. In rap Missed Study, Gabriel, the Thinker, it says with property: ' ' I decorated, I copied, I memorized, but I did not understand. Decoreba: this is the education method. Treat they me as amoeba and thus I in one raciocino' '. It is lamentable that, in Brazil, the school, basic place it person to develop its capacity of language, continues limiting itself, most of the time, to a mechanical education. In the perspective of the letramento, the reading and the writing are seen as practical social.
Vargas (2000: 7-8) he presents a distinction between ledores and readers very important when he says yourself of alfabetizao and letramento. According to author, … the Brazilian educational structure has formed more ledores that reading. Which is the difference between ones and others if the two are decoders of speeches? The difference is in the quality of the decoding, the way to feel and to perceive what it is written. The reader, differently of the ledor, understands the text in its relation dialectic with the context, in its relation of interaction with the form.
The reader acquires more through the withheld comment, of the understanding most efficient, a more critical perception of what he is read, that is, arrives at the politics of the text. The social understanding of the reading of – in the measure of this perception. Then, in the measure where I help my reader, my pupil, to perceive that the reading is source of knowledge and domain of the Real, I help to perceive it to it the pleasure that exists in the deepened decoding of the text.