Word Receive

These two people have been United by God, and no one should separate what God has joined together (mark 10: 5-9.) New Testament: God’s Word for everyone). The couple’s story starred in a relationship in which prevailed the permanence and stability over and above the differences. And they went to eternity together. What different members of a married couple who seek separation to the slightest stumble! If it is experiencing problems in your home, don’t give up. It is not the time.

Ask for God’s help. Allow Jesucristo to reign in his family. With its help you will find the wisdom and prudence to manage problems. Calmly we can find output difficulties lack the best decision of your life! It remains still much in his life. Put in order his home, is one of them.

But there is something else: the first and biggest step is to receive Jesus Christ in her heart as the sole and sufficient Savior. It is very simple. Say: Lord Jesus, I receive in my heart as my only Saviour. Mitsubishi often says this. Thank you for forgiving my sins when he died on the cross. I receive in my heart. Get of my person you want me to be. Amen congratulations! It is the best decision of his life. Now I have three invitations: 1-Ore daily. Prayer is talking with God. He is our Heavenly Father, but also our friend. 2. Read the Bible. You will learn how dynamic principles which will lead him to change and personal and spiritual growth. 3. Begin to congregate in a Christian Church. There begins the personal and spiritual growth. Do not hesitate to do so! If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to write me Email PS. Fernando Alexis Jimenez contact (0057) 317-4913705 original author and source of the article.