The Development
A good relationship between professor and pupil must exist so that it has a good development in the learning. In case that contrary, it will harm the development of the learning of the pupil who is the reason biggest of the school. Piaget (1972) affirms that the challenge biggest of the education is to together favor the intellectual development with the development affective-moral. Thus, the citizen will conquer its intellectual, affective and moral autonomy. Amongst the important aspects in volume of the subject the thought of Wallon must be pointed out.
In accordance with Wallon (1982, p.60) ' ' The affectivity is of basic importncia' '. As much is important in relation to the construction of the person, as of the point of view of the knowledge. When the child is born she starts if to develop and she continues in the first year of life of the child. The psiquismo in Wallon (1982 p.72) ' ' It has conscientious aspects and inconscientes' '. In one of its works, Wallon writes: ' ' the man if carries through enters two not conscientious ones, biological and not conscientious social' '. ' ' It integrates diversely between si' ' (WALLON, 1982, p.27). ' ' This affirmation is the point of discord between Wallon and Freud and sounds as a critical one to unconscious the psychic one of Freud. Wallon (1982, p.27) ' ' of the priority to the physical and social aspects of desenvolvimento' '.
(MORALES, 1998 p.191) It also approaches on the question of the affective envolvement between the pupil and the professor. He warns that in case that does not have envolvement, the pupil will be wronged because he will re-echo in a not significant learning. Galvo (1999, p.61) approaches one subject that cannot pass unobserved that it is the existing difference between affectivity and emotion. Therefore, Wallon cites: For WALLON (1968, p.96-98), ' ' the affective states under form of emotions, meet in conscience, operating the gone one of the organic world for the social one, of the physiological plan for psquico' ' The emotions, according to Wallon (1968, p.96-98), ' ' they possess specific characteristics.