The Development
Therefore, the active methods of education of the children demand all that if a convenient material, so that, playing, they arrive to assimilate the intellectual realities that, without this supplies to the children, remains exterior to infantile intelligence. (PIAGET 1976, p.160). In relation to the education process learning, the playful one is categorized in five aspects that differentiation its action that favors in the academic life of the children and tends to contribute firmly for the rise of the auto one esteem. Amongst which if they detach some dimensions and its phenomena: Cognition: awareness, perception, language, abstraction, conceptualization, resolution of problems, intelligence, elaboration of the logical thought. Affection: affectivity, sensitivity, esteem friendship.
Motivation: stimulaton, interest, joy, spirit, enthusiasm. Creativity: imagination, creation. Socialization: cooperation, auto-expression, interaction, integration. According to Winnicott (1975, p.25) it affirms that ' ' the trick supplies an organization the initiation of emotional relations and thus it propitiates the development of contacts sociais' '. When using the trick the professor obtains to have an interactive relation with the pupil, being able to know it better, following of close the process to learning of this child, observing its social, cultural and psychological characteristics; therefore the school does not have only ' ' educar' ' the cognition of the pupils, but to supply subsidies so that the citizens try you live deeply significant so that they are educated socially. Through the trick and of the games the children will have greater easiness to understand the world to its return and its reality; therefore playing, the child learns, she elaborates and she assimilates moral principles and social models. From the tricks it will go to reproduce diverse possibilities to live and will have greater security to decide on its future. According to Almeida (1998, p.123) ' ' the good success of all pedagogical playful activity exclusively depends on the good preparation and leadership of professor' '.