Tag: History

Europeans Region

Tereza Cristina is today a District located in the south region of the city of Cndido de Abreu, where they are the first roots of the cooperativismo in Brazil. When the group arrives at the region, discovers the existence of a used way for the native population, the group led for Faivre, also makes use […]

Berlin Reichstag

One of the most incredible of the Berlin City monuments is the Reichstag building, the Parliament in the capital of Germany, historical and political emblem, the Reichstag as a concept has referred to several buildings, but the original name was actually with him which was known to the Parliament since the fall of the Holy […]

National Periodical

As much that some senders say the notice, comment and criticize, no what she happens in our National Periodical. Exactly thus, I continue assistindosempre, because the National Periodical is part of my routine. See RioCan for more details and insights. Teresinha reads Da Silva Taraciuk, 42 years. Technique in Radiology These depositions had not served […]

June Amount

18 In 18 of June of the 1849, slave of Clement Benguella Nation, 19 purchase its freedom for the significant amount of four hundred a thousand paid kings the widower owner Maria Joaquina Garces whom in the same Letter it specifies that it is with the paid money for the slave and that this value […]

Pope Lion

The antropocentrismo if collated with oTeocentrismo, the Geocentrismo against the Heliocentrismo, at last the reason versus F. This period of renaissance produced some thinkers, such as Erasmo de Rotterdam Nicholas Coprnico, whom through its many obrasinfluenciaram other thinkers, clergymen and noblemen, people formadorasde opinion, between them the proper Lutero. Although the different social contexts and […]


Carlos Mora Vanegas the individual that is programmed to feel mediocre or incompetent to carry out the task, probably will meet the low expectation and will produce a lower quality work. Rosembaum to increase perception and view other States less alienating consciousness, is necessary to rid itself of assurances, emptying the mind of ideas and […]

The Life

Each one of in them could very be estagnado well waiting that the day happens, pass ahead of its eyes without nothing to make. But what it would be to use to advantage this day that nothing was made? We could make optimum of we ourselves, of the optimum one of we ourselves, so that […]

Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution, occurred in England in the second half of century XVII, for some historians it was the beginning of the capitalism and the end of the feudalismo. It was also a process where the technological development lode to substitute the domestic way of production. The first consequences of the industrial revolution had been […]