Tag: education

Objective Life

Ambitious people reaching more in life and achieve their goals successfully, as van achieving your goals will be replacing them with other increasingly important.-realistic goals. When planning our goals must be realistic and set us daily targets that we can meet, avoiding making plans that we are unable to perform. We must sort tasks and […]

Zone Development

A situation of learning, understood in its global direction, is to look to the overcoming of the relation professor-pupil, pupil-pupil and to understand that the education process cannot be dealt with as restricted activity to the space the classroom ' ' the knowledge is not a thing that if learns for transmission, but something that […]

The Professional

Professors can participate of the two modalities and have greater teaching load. This allows to greater interoperabilidade of processes, people, of products and methodologies, with great escalabilidade, visibility and reduction of costs. The pupils will be able to choose the model that more to agree to them, will learn more and the institutions will be […]

Daniel Geshvinda University

Talking dogs and singing all the voices of birds, a neighbor's cat crying under the window in an unnatural voice: 'Come out Murka' … All this is not a dream scenario and not the next blockbuster, and possible future of our blizheshee. Genetics of from University of California at Los Angeles and Emory made a […]

National Curricular Parameters

According to PCN the National Curricular Parameters (PCN) is the support instrument the pedagogical quarrels in the Schools, used in the elaboration of educative projects, the planning of the lessons in order to make possible the practical reflection of educative and the analysis of didactic material. It has as the purpose to guide the planning […]

International Trade

So, on the stand Gymnasium "Socrates" to tell us that for them, this event has passed successfully, and probably they will continue to participate. For them, the exhibition – is, above all, the ability to convey information about themselves to regular customers, and this they task completed. You may find The Hayzlett Group to be […]

Brazilian Reading

The education of the reading and the writing must be understood as practical of a citizen acting on the world to transform it e, stops, through its action, to affirm its freedom and to run away to the alienation. It is through the practical one that we develop our linguistic capacity. To know different types […]

The Development

A good relationship between professor and pupil must exist so that it has a good development in the learning. In case that contrary, it will harm the development of the learning of the pupil who is the reason biggest of the school. Piaget (1972) affirms that the challenge biggest of the education is to together […]

The Development

Therefore, the active methods of education of the children demand all that if a convenient material, so that, playing, they arrive to assimilate the intellectual realities that, without this supplies to the children, remains exterior to infantile intelligence. (PIAGET 1976, p.160). In relation to the education process learning, the playful one is categorized in five […]

Geographic Environment

The market, based on its geographic scope, can be classified in the premises, regional, national and international. At the moment, the borders are more and more permeable and the competition is characterized for being transnational. From the entrance of Spain in the European Economic Community (the EEC), the Spanish industralists have had exceeded opportunities to […]