Portfolio, Earnings And Experience
Then the laptop was purchased to have mobile internet capabilites. I’ve been looking for specialization, responding to almost all the projects in which at least something understood. And on Oct. 11, 2006 on the main Free-lance.ru appears next order does not create a large site with cut-away form. Reading the proposed themes created site, I suddenly stopped by obscure feelings. It seemed that the future site ran in my head for a second.
I contacted the customer, which was nice man named Roman. That same evening I was sitting on the windowsill with a laptop and a heavy rain he wrote his first web site. The customer is so pleased with my site, that he paid more than promised, and began to teach me that later on became my specialization. Projects to $ 100 for a low volume site for experience and portfolio, the first truly earned money and the first comment. From childhood I have good at transfuse through the text. To be a creator and facilitator of images simultaneously, was born in my imagination. What could be better, well paid your favorite job? It is important to really love her.
At the beginning of a career has to take all projects in a row, but over time it becomes possible to take only the most interesting and at this moment the work begins to bring a real pleasure. Free-lance.ru during these three years has become something more than just the exchange remote work. It’s a whole culture with its celebrities, parliament and unofficial charter. For me and hopefully for many, the site is the most close-knit community of like-minded people. As our colleagues in a live radio Mayak: “Freelancers – a creative person, they are a little crazy ” and it unites us. We are scattered across the planet, but our relations are strong and tight. Freelance – is when you love every moment of their workday, which for us lasts 24 hours. Yes, there are disadvantages, but they are so rare and minor, that are simply lost in the positive. Freelance – Skype is a funny caste Ira Kotova and jokes Eugene Glavnitskogo; a panda Bones, got on the ntv and photos from meetings in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Minsk We are everywhere and nowhere, we do projects of large companies, staying in the shade. Free-lance.ru – the capital of creativity, ideas, creativity This is the last minute before handing the project to loud music and received money into the account, it’s rage This is the night in a quiet restaurant with a cup of coffee and a laptop, is freedom. Freedom to be anywhere, the freedom that you can feel just tried myself. Free-lance.ru – a full understanding and equality. Here Not at all important, above or below you in the ranking of your interlocutor, then help novices to professionals, then you will always help. And very glad that such a friendly staff began to meet outside the Internet. Recently often pass neofitsalnye meetings all over the world, organizers who are often themselves freelancers. That’s what I see free-lance.ru. Thanks to everyone who makes it so =).