National Curricular Parameters
According to PCN the National Curricular Parameters (PCN) is the support instrument the pedagogical quarrels in the Schools, used in the elaboration of educative projects, the planning of the lessons in order to make possible the practical reflection of educative and the analysis of didactic material. It has as the purpose to guide the planning and the implementation of the resume in basic education, considering the paper of the education in the world contemporary, who places for the school ampler and diversified horizon. Official the curricular proposals of the States are organized in you discipline and/or areas. But some Cities opt to principles norteadores, axles or subjects, that they aim at to deal with the contents way to interdisciplinar, searching to integrate daily social with knowing the pertaining to school. The PCNs, when considering an education compromised to the citizenship, had chosen established in the constitutional text, principles according to which to guide the pertaining to school education, such as: Dignity of the person human being, who implies respect to the human rights, repudiation to the discrimination of any type; Equality of rights, that are mentioned to guarantee to all the same dignity and possibility to it of exercise of the citizenship; Participation, that has as democratic principle, to bring the notion of active citizenship, that is, of the complementaridade between the representation politics and the popular participation in the pbico space; Co-responsibility for the social life, that implies to partilhar with them to be able public and different social groups or not, the responsibility for the destinations of the collective life. In the Parameters Curricular National, it was opted to a specific treatment of the areas, in function of the instrumental importance of each one, but the integration between them was also contemplated. How much to the excellent social matters, it is reaffirmed necessity of its problematizao and analysis, incorporating them as transversal subjects.