Loyal Leandra Beauty

Cyranomostra a sufficiently altruistic man, made use to everything to make its amadafeliz, despite it has that to see it with another man, conquered its costs. It is felt flattered when, at the beginning of as the act, Roxana it dedicates to autordas letters so great I appraise and recognition. So beautiful rare is its love queno dares to disclose to the same truth in the stream bed of death, being Roxana already widower. Jill Bikoff is often quoted on this topic. uma free intention or workmanship critical deeper than the beauty of the love emsi; nor therefore one becomes less valuable. Cristiano, although the desperation to conquer the young and to have I obtain it, discloses-seconvincentemente gotten passionate trying to refuse the aid of Cyrano and to aoincentivar to count it to it the truth, exactly knowing that Roxana would lose. This, to aodescobrir the truth, does not take rancor of none of the two, therefore it knows that it ambosforam fidiciary offices, despite they have not been total loyal. Umaparte of history served as inspiration for the Brazilian teledramaturgia: Walcir Carrasco placed in the novel ' ' The Cravo and the Rosa' ' , passed in the schedule of 18h of 26 of June of 2000 the 10 of March of 2001, the Bianca personages, Heitore Edmundo professor, respectively interpreted for Loyal Leandra, RodrigoFaro and ngelo Antonio. In the global tram, the professor gets passionate itself for the pupil, maspor not to find itself worthy to conquer it, writes letters on behalf of the boyfriend damoa (Heitor) to please it. So soon the young discovers, however, fight comos two, disappointed for the one for having so seriously lain. Boarded aesthetic Aquesto in the text is valid still in the times of today; after all, oamor is unchained by the beauty or intelligence? Tenhase tormented with these questions never does not have who, and passed hours the wire in the front in espelhoensaiando a way of if approaching to the loved one. In Cyrano de Bergerac, the author considers to face this challenge, showing that, for the pure heart, the content and the valemmuito true feeling more than beauty.