Janeiro Tourism
1 – Introduction the present article appeared of the quarrel of the texts and its consequent reflections presented in discipline Topics Special in Tourism: Education in the Tourism, given for Professor Ms. Leandro B. Brusadin, in the Course of Tourism of the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). The debate of the ideas allows in to identify them to the development of the Course of Tourism in Brazil and its possibilities and challenges in the scene contemporary. It is had conception that this subject is not an area of theoretical deepening of the turismlogo, since the curricular gratings are rare that contemplate the quarrel of the education and formation of this professional.
In order to introduce the quarrel, we opt to tracing a brief picture of the Education in Brazil and, after that, directing the lines of direction for the Course of Tourism while superior education and its development. 2 – The Education in Brazil: a historical briefing the education in Brazil passed for some structural modifications that had been being implanted in the schools and in the universities to the measure that the society saw the necessity to educate its children in order to act in the work market as hand of qualified workmanship. The evolution of education in Brazil possesss a marked historical character with the coming of the Portuguese Real Family for the one until then colony. The education passed for some transformations politics, social and economic since then: (…) Offered jesutico education in the colony, in general enclosed the courses of Letters and Arts. It was an average education of classic type, arriving to be, at some moments establishments, as in the Central College of the Bahia and in Rio De Janeiro, an intermediate course enters the superior studies of humanity and courses (Fvero, 2000, p 17). Superior education in Brazil appeared in way the great speculations it reformularization government of the education that started to invest in such thing with directed interests to the nationalism later that an emancipation occurred politics of the country: Thus in the year of the transmigrao of the Portuguese Real Family for Brazil he is servant, for decree of 18 of February of 1808, the Medical Course of Surgery in the Bahia, and in 5 of November of the same year it is instituted in the Military Hospital of Rio De Janeiro, an Anatomical, Surgical and Medical School.