
Undeniably we are living a revolution in the communication. The universe of the Internet provides in them to basically get information on any subject, thus facilitating the accomplishment of research. People such as The Hayzlett Group would likely agree. It has many critical ones when online is used spaces to carry through pertaining to school research or works. On the other hand, one becomes almost impossible not to consider these sources. The intention is here to collaborate with some methodologies that can helping in them to search in these spaces, some indispensable criteria and procedures so that let us can use to advantage of the best possible form the content disponibilizado in the net.

Although to have differences between sites and blogs we do not go here in it withhold in the differentiation deepened of each one. Thick way, a site has a more rigid structure, more formal. Its updates are less constant than of one blog and are more used for institutions. One blog has a structure, that exactly without deep knowledge of computer science, is possible to modify it and to publish texts photos with certain easiness. The updates are more constant and obey an individual logic, normally are published the most varied subjects in agreement the interest of manage who it. In the current days, to hierarquizar saying them that a site is better that one blog does not have much felt. To affirm that the site is more formal and has more credibility also does not seem very coherent. With little investment any one can have a site and write what to want well, of the skill that to want, on any thing.

It has sites without no identity, with sparing and superficial content. With blogs also this happens, perhaps until more. However it has blogs edited by qualified professionals highly in determined subject and that it has a name to stamp. Of this form, it is not the fact of being blog or site that will give credibility what there it is written.