Internet Service Online Press

Do you have a project you would like to make it known. Or company that needs to establish their presence in the market. Or you promote yourself personally. Open your Internet site and want to be noticed. Where start? In all these situations need to consult a professional. Evaluate all the pros and cons of the situation and decide which is most advantageous. Expert advice will cost 2-4 thousand rubles per hour consultation, but later thanks to them, you can save hundreds of thousands of rubles.

The second important step – choose artist and how to work with him. In the Western companies is not in vain popular forms of ‘remote’ or project collaboration with professionals in the fields of PR, advertising, marketing, monitoring, and copywriting – the so-called outsourcing services. They are good at counting money. In our country there is a stable business in the illusion that it is cheaper to have a full-time specialist. At This attempt to save money on wages leads to the recruitment of young, inexperienced staff. Took over the post, it leads to a situation that some of the functions necessary to transfer to third parties or hire additional staff.

Companies have to pay twice. It is estimated that maintenance staff specialist in the image (Advertising / PR / marketing) costs the company 52 580 – 90 960 USD per year. These include: acquisition of a workplace – 1200 ue; share payment for the lease of 4 square meters. m office – 2400 units; Salary 18 000 – 36 000 USD per year (1500 -3000 USD per month) Payroll Tax – 4680 – 9360 units; additional personnel (security, secretary, driver, janitor) – 6000 cu internet – 300 – $ 1000; cellular – $ 1000, lunch – $ 1000; hospitality – $ 1000, participation in professional and qualifying events – 2000 $ ; Planned budget – 15 000 – 30 000 USD Appeal to experts in the private small-format expert bureau will save the actual amount and maintenance staff, and the quality of services. The experts of the Bureau ‘Private copywriter’ ability to creatively do more small means, but small problems to solve from the perspective of grand strategy. This practice – generalists who have great experience, have implemented dozens of successful projects, many of whom received awards. Among the new proposals of the Bureau – a package of services “Online Press Room,” in which the customer receives its own news service to the desired his period. Press Center publishes on behalf of the client’s professional press releases, sending them to the media, places of Internet publications, preparing materials for the needs of journalists, performs a variety of creative and kopiraytingovye work, using their own resources (internet, communications, technology, transportation, office).