If my company is highly focused on products and I have embarked on a CRM initiative to focus more operation in the clients, there is no doubt that there will be changes. These changes are reflected in the business processes, in the form as people work and measures are, in the form as used tools, data used for generate positive customer experiences. It is therefore necessary to define a change management process, so that people can understand and adopt new roles of labour and new labour attitudes. Let’s return to our two examples. In the case of marketing, people are rejecting not only the use of an information system.
They are adopting unstructured business processes. A great failure in data quality, is opening the door so that each adopt a process of personal work. The address is not the way of prosecuting activities by faults in the structuring of clear processes in the design, development, implementation and measurement of relational marketing campaigns. Could that the attitude of people in the marketing group is not the most positive towards these changes it be also?. May it be hiding the complexity of technology or the quality of the data to torpedo the process of change?. In the case of the case of institutional sales vs. retailers, does is more a problem of people who from? Tools?. If we are talking about the same company, are why a segment of customers if it operates very well the strategy, but not in another?.
Is it a problem of leadership?. It will be that sellers of the institutional segment see this kind of change as a threat to their jobs or consider that they impose them greater controls and your response is to reject the initiative? Is have developed greater incentives for sellers of segment retailer who leads them to adopt more successful change? It is necessary, as leaders of a CRM initiative, adopt a holistic vision that allows to see the operation of the Organization as a whole and not only as a result of their parties. This means that at the time of evaluating the adoption of a process of CRM to the inside of the company, evaluate the entire context (business processes, people, data and tools). A compromise cannot be with senior management in the success of a CRM initiative if not develops an analysis and a work plan that attack all the above elements previously. Otherwise you will have too much material to expose and write about failures in the implementation of CRM. To complement these ideas, I invite you to read the CMR Magazine article, which you can find by clicking the Do not au Implementation with Adoption. Good reading. Original author and source of the article